• 21:47
  • Monday ,16 January 2017

Like today

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,16 January 2017

Like today

The funeral of Paul and Laura (daughter of Karl Marx) Lafargue in Paris is attended by Lenin; the two socialists died in a suicide pact in the belief that their political usefulness was at an end!

Lenin said: Imperialism is caused by capitalism!
Well talking of Russia I would jump in today's events, Trump accuses media of faking the story of Russian help to win elections, on the other hand I see and hear Tayyip Erdoğan expecting a meeting with Putin the Russian president to discuss Syrian problem as we see Syrian refugees still suffering!
Moreover, Erdogan confirmed today that Turkey stays forever in Cyprus just like Israel remains forever in Palestine regardless of any UN recommendations!
In brief the world remains unrest Trump or Obama; Bush or Nikson its all guided by CIA under the command of MI6!
I wonder to where are we heading is it almost the end of the world going to our second reincarnation or more precisely our Judgement  day? China upset from the media, Trump as well but all news -media still- points to 2 issues Americans upset from the fact Trump is the president and due to this China's economy is jeopardised is it going to end up to a WWIII between China and USA or on the other hand Trump is going to be the new assassinated president to join John Kennedy last of the respectful USA presidents?
Hell there is a lot of historical events occurred on this period of time included even ex-president R.I.P. Nasser I saw a partial documentary -no sound- clip he was still in his military uniform receiving some hi profile guys I have no idea who they were or bout what but next thing in the documentary was showing British solders moving like leaving or heading somewhere but non of this makes seance because British occupation ended on the 18th of June not January and if it was about the invasion of Suez Canal that was after the nationalisation that was declared on a speech for the memorial of 23rd July revolution and Nasser by then of officially the president not wearing army's uniform any more!
The other historical event was the Russian revolution that created the fallen Soviet Union a union that fell apart and disappeared thanks to the CIA guided by MI6 executing the well known old policy established by Skies Picot -divide to rule- same policy trying to tear apart Egypt and Saudi Kingdom after they cut over Palestine and trying to cut Syria and Iraq and...you name it!
Let me Remind you with...
Sykes-Picot Agreement
Sykes-Picot agreement in 1916, was an agreement and a secret understanding between France and the United Kingdom ratification of the Russian Empire on the sharing of the Fertile Crescent between France and Britain to determine the zones of influence in West Asia after the erosion of the Ottoman Empire, dominating this region, in the First World War.
Was reached this agreement between November 1915 and May 1916, secret negotiations between the French diplomat François Georges-Picot and Briton Mark Sykes, was the image of the exchange of instruments of understanding between the foreign ministers of France, Britain and czarist Russia at the time and ministries. It has been detected agreement arrival of the communists to power in Russia in 1917, sparking the peoples untouched by the Convention and embarrassed France and Britain were the popular Rose-official Arab reaction may direct appeared in the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence.
It has been divided into the Fertile Crescent under the agreement, and France got the bulk of the west wing of the Crescent (Syria and Lebanon) and the area of Mosul in Iraq. Britain running for the equivalent control of parts of the southern tip of the Levant expanding eastward to include Baghdad, Basra and all areas between the Gulf region and the French in Syria. It was also decided that Palestine is under an international administration to be agreed upon in consultation between Britain, France and Russia. But the text of the agreement to give Britain the ports of Haifa and Acre to be France's freedom to use the port of Haifa, and was awarded France to Britain in return the use of the port of Iskenderun, which was falling in their possession.
Later, and ease the embarrassment who was injured by the French and British after the detection of this Agreement and the Balfour Declaration, issued Churchill White Book 1922 illustrates the tone for mitigating purposes of British control over Palestine. However, the content of the Sykes-Picot agreement was confirmed again in the San Remo Conference in 1920. Then, the League of Nations Council approved documents Mandate involved in the June 24, 1922. areas to satisfy Ataturk Complementing the planned split and weaken Syria, held in 1923 a new agreement known as the Treaty Lausanne to amend the boundaries established in the Treaty of Sevres. It was under the Treaty of Lausanne waive the northern Syrian provinces of Turkey, Atatürk in addition to some areas that had been given to Greece in the previous Treaty of London.
And it divided this agreement and the subsequent Greater Syria or the Levant to states and political entities devoted borders drawn under this agreement and agreements resulting therefrom:
Iraq, who boarded in 1932.
French Mandate of Syria on the region:
Syria, actually became independent in 1946
Lebanon, boarded an independent entity in 1943.
North Syrian territories annexed to the State of Turkey
British Mandate over Palestine area:
Jordan, boarded an independent entity in 1946 (it was an autonomous region since 1922)
Palestine, the effect ended instrument League of Nations mandate over Palestine on 14 May 1948 and the British evicted them. But the next day announced the creation of Israel over large parts of the borders of the British Mandate over Palestine and began the Arab-Israeli conflict, where in 1949 (after the 1948 war and after the abolition of the British Mandate) divided Palestine into three political units: Israel and the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In 1994, the Palestinian National Authority, a semi-autonomous authority was established and inherited the narrow parts of the borders of the former British Mandate on the West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip, which used to belong to Egypt administratively.
Do I need to tell MORE???? I rest my case right here!
May God keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians peace of the lord be with you all!