• 16:41
  • Monday ,09 January 2017

Egyptian IS militant killed in Libya: Military source


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,09 January 2017

Egyptian IS militant killed in Libya: Military source

The Libyan army announced on Sunday that it has killed an Egyptian militant affiliated with the IS group in the east of Libyan town Ajdabiya, Al-Ahram Arabic website reported, citing a Libyan army source.

According to the source, the Egyptian national, whose militant code name is Abu Rabie El-Muhajer, was killed while in hiding.
Libyan forces found jewellery and sums of foreign currency in the militant’s possession, whose real name was reported to be Mahmoud Kamel Sediek Robaie, Al-Ahram reported.  
He was a member of the Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries, an Islamist militant coalition in the eastern Libyan city, and in December 2013 received training at the camps of militant group Ansar Al-Sharia in Al-Qawarsha district on the outskirts of Benghazi.
In April 2015, Robaie joined the Islamic State group in Libya.
The militant was previously a member of Egyptian militant group Ansar Beit El-Maqdis and recruited some Egyptians to join the group, according to the Libyan military source. 
The Sinai-based group pledged allegiance to the Islamic State militant organisation in November 2014 and changed its name to Wilayet Sinai (Sinai Province).
The group has claimed responsibility for most attacks against security personnel and facilities in North Sinai in the last four years, where Egyptian security forces have been battling an entrenched militant insurgency.