• 19:02
  • Wednesday ,07 December 2016

God has spoken (2)

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,07 December 2016

God has spoken (2)

As everybody expected Hillary Clinton to win the presidential elections in America, God had another plan to change the world destiny. Therefore, Donald Trump won the elections to be the 45 president of America against all expectations.  

This came after Egypt made a miracle by overthrowing the Muslim Brotherhood in June 30. Yet, America has gone mad to lose its terrorist arm in Egypt, and to break its plans to divide the region. The United States increased its plots against Egypt and used media to spread rumors and reduced the financial aid.
On the other hand, this has not achieved their goals and the Egyptian state became even stronger. The Egyptian people were united against such plots and the army became more powerful.
The Egyptian president kept his relations with American officials and started new era of relations with countries in Europe, Africa and Asia. He imported weapons from different countries and restored security in Egypt and waged a fierce war against terrorism supported by America in Sinai.
Yet, God has chosen Trump to change the policy of the strongest country in the world. Now, Egypt is starting new relationship with America after this relationship started in 1832 when the first American Consulate was opened in the Egyptian Kingdom at that time.