• 03:42
  • Tuesday ,18 October 2016

Hungry revolution won’t happen here

Refaat Younan Aziz

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,18 October 2016

Hungry revolution won’t happen here

A hungry revolution won’t happen in our blessed Egypt though many people are planning to in November 11, 2016; however, they will fail indeed. Egyptian people are united with its police and army against those trying to divide and destroy Egypt. Let those traitors and corrupted people regret when their schemes fail.

Enemies of Egypt inside and outside are predicting it will suffer soon from a revolution of the hungry, which I believe is but a part of a scheme to divide the religion and destroy Egypt. Love and unity of the Egyptian people is a great barrier before such evil scheme. In fact, God has granted the Egyptian people such unity of the people, the police and army. Such campaign is unfortunately supported by Egyptian media and activists on social media. 
Officials make the Egyptian citizens suffer when dealing with a governmental office. Corruption is making the problem even bigger and makes it reaches all services including educational, health, agriculture, 
And Culture. Supporters of the terrorist organization also escalate the problems in order to lead the people to explode.
Several merchants are using the state of chaos in the Egyptian markets in order to make more profits even by making the poor suffer more and more.
All of this comes to divide Egypt and make the Egyptians demonstrate against the regime that saved Egypt from the terrorist regime of the Muslim Brotherhood. Such plans should fail as Egypt will recover and its economy should flourish by hard working. Long live Egypt.