• 06:20
  • Friday ,14 October 2016

Egypt hit 13 terrorist targets in Libya after murder of Copts in 2015: Air force commander


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,14 October 2016

Egypt hit 13 terrorist targets in Libya after murder of Copts in 2015: Air force commander

 Egypt successfully launched 13 airstrikes in Libya last year against "terrorist targets", as retaliation against the killing of 20 Egyptian Christians by militants in the country, the commander of Egypt's air force told local media on Thursday.

The airstrikes, which took place following the February 2015 killings, were carried out in coordination with the Libyan army. Egypt didn’t immediately announce the number of attacks it conducted but said at the time that they targeted terrorist training camps and arms depots.
Commander Younes El-Masry, speaking to the press ahead of Air Force Celebration Day on 14 October, said that the attacks were based on accurate information and thus they were precise and there weren't major losses among civilians, Al-Ahram Arabic website reported.
At the time of the attack, Libya’s army announced that 64 Islamic State group militants were killed.
“[Last year’s attack on ISIS in Libya] is a message to anyone who thinks about threatening Egyptians or Egypt’s national security,” El-Masry stated.