• 06:49
  • Thursday ,29 September 2016

Egypt follows ‘with interest’ US Congress’ override of Obama’s Veto on JASTA


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Thursday ,29 September 2016

Egypt follows ‘with interest’ US Congress’ override of Obama’s Veto on JASTA

 Egypt announced it follows up “with interest” the U.S. congress’ voting on overriding President Barack Obama’s veto on  Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), which allows suing Saudi Arabia’s officials or royal families following the 9/11 attacks, said Egyptian Foreign Ministry in a statement Thursday.

“The Foreign Ministry had previously expressed Egypt’s conviction that the President’s veto against the bill upholds the rules of international law and norms in international relations, as it endorses the principles of sovereign equality, state immunity and restrains from imposing domestic laws on other countries,” the statement read.
President Obama has told CNN that the Congress has committed a “mistake” by overriding his veto against the bill.