• 05:12
  • Thursday ,22 September 2016

Political solution only way to end Syrian crisis: Sisi at Security Council


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Thursday ,22 September 2016

Political solution only way to end Syrian crisis: Sisi at Security Council

 A political solution must be reached between all parties, excluding terrorist groups, to end the Syrian crisis, Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi said at the United Nations Security Council's crisis meeting on Wednesday in New York.

In his speech in front of the UN Security Council, the Egyptian president stated that there is a necessity to work towards reaching a permanent cease-fire between the fighting parties in Syria, while praising the efforts of Moscow and Washington in attempting to resolve the five-year-old civil war.
President El-Sisi also called on UN envoy Staffan de Mistura to call for another round of talks as soon as possible, adding that the military solution was not the way to end the crisis.
Egypt's vision in resolving the Syrian conflict "is based on two major points; to keep the unity of Syria without destroying the state’s institutions, and supporting the legitimate aspirations of Syrian people to rebuild their country through a political solution," El-Sisi said, adding that a political solution should satisfy all Syrians.
The Egyptian president stated that Cairo can play a role in the Syrian negotiations as it enjoys good relations with the parties involved in the conflict.
President El-Sisi is currently attending the 71st UN General Assembly in New York.