• 04:37
  • Friday ,09 September 2016

Egypt’s army distributes 1.5m free food rations ahead of Eid al Adha


Home News


Friday ,09 September 2016

Egypt’s army distributes 1.5m free food rations ahead of Eid al Adha

 Defense Minister Sadqy Sobhy ordered the armed forces public services department to distribute 1.5 million free food rations to the neediest citizens in several governorates nationwide on the occasion of Eid al Adha, Youm7 reported on Thursday.

In coordination with 117 NGOs, a total of 341 food rations were distributed among residents in the range of the Cairo-based central military region, which includes Cairo, Giza, Menoufia and Qalioubia governorates, the army said in a statement Thursday.
The army has previously distributed a total of three million food rations during the month of Ramadan.