• 12:32
  • Monday ,22 November 2010

Mubarak, Abbas meet Sunday in Cairo


Home News


Monday ,22 November 2010

Mubarak, Abbas meet Sunday in Cairo

CAIRO - President Hosni Mubarak Saturday held talks in Saudi Arabia with King Abdullah during a brief visit.Their talks focussed on the regional developments, said State-owned media without elaborating.


The Saudi monarch is suffering from back pains due to a slipped disc.

     Mubarak and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas are scheduled to meet

in Cairo Sunday, the Palestinian Authority news agency WAFA reported Saturday.

     Palestinian Ambassador to Cairo and the Arab League Barakat Al-Farra was quoted by the agency as saying that Abbas would discuss with Mubarak negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the continuation of settlement activities in the West Bank, and the updates Abbas received from his last meeting in Ramallah with the special US Middle East envoy David Hale.

     The visit comes as US mediators continue to talk with Israeli officials about a deal that would end in an extension of a partial settlement construction freeze on some building in the West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem.

     White House officials confirmed in a press briefing in Washington on Friday that talks with Israeli negotiators continue, and that an agreement would likely be set to paper.