• 07:05
  • Wednesday ,29 June 2016

Suicide bomber kills nine at Iraq Sunni mosque: Officials


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,29 June 2016

Suicide bomber kills nine at Iraq Sunni mosque: Officials

A suicide bomber detonated explosives at a Sunni mosque near Baghdad where worshippers were gathered for prayers, killing at least nine people, officials said on Tuesday.

The attack on the mosque in Abu Ghraib, which also wounded at least 28 people, took place during evening prayers on Monday as Muslims mark the holy fasting month of Ramadan.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, but the Islamic State militants group frequently carries out suicide bombings targeting civilians in Iraq.
The attack came a day after Iraq declared that it was fully in control of the city of Fallujah, located west of Baghdad, which was one of the last two cities held by IS group in Iraq.
IS group overran large areas north and west of Baghdad in 2014, but has lost significant ground to Iraqi forces.