• 04:28
  • Wednesday ,15 June 2016

2 Giza tombs to be open to public


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Wednesday ,15 June 2016

2 Giza tombs to be open to public

2 tombs to be open for visitors in 15 days at Giza East Field

Two ancient Egyptian tombs of Sheshem-Nefer, the guardian of the king’s secrets during Dynasty 6 of the Old Kingdom, and Senefru-Kha-ef, the treasurer of the King of Lower Egypt during the end of Dynasty 4 and the beginning of Dynasty 5, will be open to visitors in 15 days after renovation at the Giza East Field.

Project to study gold leaves believed to belong to tomb KV55 resumes
The project is funded by the American Research Center in Egypt (ACRE) with $28,500, according to Youm7.
Antiquities Ministry has resumed a project to study about 500 gold leaves found in a wooden box in the Egyptian Museum, believed to belong the mysterious KV55 tomb in Luxor, in hopes to confirm the identity of the body found in the tomb. It has long been speculated it belongs to Pharaoh Akhenaten.
Opening Egyptian Museum 2 evenings a week “increases visitor turnout”
Opening The Egyptian Museum two evenings a week and the Textiles Museum every night during Ramadan has increased the visitor turnout, and applying the same idea on other museums would need top notch security, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Mostafa Amin told Youm7.
Egypt, Saudi to sign memo on antiquities
Antiquities Minister Khaled al-Enany will leave for Saudi Arabia Wednesday to sign a memorandum of understanding with Saudi Arabia on antiquities, museum, architectural heritage and antiquities trafficking, Youm7 reported.
Ibrahim Pasha Statute renovated
The 4-month renovation of Ibrahim Pasha Statute at the Opera Square has been finalized by the Antiquities Ministry and Cairo Governorate, Youm7 reported. The statue was finished by French sculptor Charles Cordier  place in 1872 under the reign of Khedive Ismail.