• 11:00
  • Wednesday ,25 May 2016

Mina is terrorist

Mina M. Azer

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,25 May 2016

Mina is terrorist

Mina Thabet is a human rights researcher and activist, but he can’t be a terrorist. He was announced terrorist for hindering the work of the president by opposing him! Yet, he hasn’t broken into the presidential palace or attacked the presidential car. Police arrested him with picture of St. Mary and an old agenda in his possession!

He is a researcher that we don’t know what he is searching for. However, being a researcher in our country proves you are a terrorist. Whether you are searching for truth or security you should be a terrorist in the eyes of police. The truth is painful for they think security is useless if not for the regime.
I think that police are the terrorists since they have killed five innocent people to cover up for the killing of the Italian student, and yet failed. They are stupid terrorists who are supposed to secure a great country like Egypt. They don’t have ability to secure their men. Police in Egypt prefers to arrest the opposition rather than thinking and to innovate.
Many videos prove their failure, and they would have failed in Sinai without the support of the armed forces. In short, not every dissenting opinion belongs to a terrorist, but those who work for police are distorting the image of the state and hinder it.