• 03:20
  • Friday ,20 May 2016

IS group suicide bombings kill 32 Libyan militiamen


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,20 May 2016

IS group suicide bombings kill 32 Libyan militiamen

A spokesman of a Libyan militia says two suicide bombings by the Islamic State (IS) group have killed 32 of the militia's fighters.A spokesman of a Libyan militia says two suicide bombings by the Islamic State (IS) group have killed 32 of the militia's fighters.

Mohammed Shamia of the Misrata militia, which is loyal to Libya's new UN-brokered unity government, told The Associated Press that the attack happened on Wednesday night.
He says two suicide bombers rammed their large vehicles packed with explosives into militia positions in the al-Washka and Bourayat al-Hassoun areas west of the coastal city of Sirte, an IS group stronghold. Fifty militiamen were wounded in the attacks.
The IS group claimed responsibility for the bombings in a statement posted by its supporters on Twitter.
The international community and Western powers have pledged to support Libya's UN-backed government and arm in order to fight IS group.