• 22:24
  • Thursday ,12 May 2016

A new disease called national AIDS

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,12 May 2016

A new disease called national AIDS

After watching a TV talk show in which Osama Kamal hosted the chief of Journalists Syndicate to talk about the current crisis, I discovered that the chief and many journalists suffer from a disease called national AIDS. The symptoms of this disease are arrogance, lying, exaggeration and not caring for the nation.  People with this disease only accept their points of view and despise the others.  

They follow a plan to divide the Egyptian society that the president warned against several times. This plan includes destroying the Egyptian police. The fake story of storming the Journalists Syndicate was denied by security of the syndicate who testified that they opened the doors before police to arrest the wanted people hiding inside the building. It only took five minutes to arrest them and left in peace. It’s worth mentioning that national security is much more important than privileges and immunities. In 1979, Saudi security forces stormed the Grand Mosque to put an end to Iranian terrorism in the Grand Mosque in Mecca. This was accepted by Muslims all over the world.
Some journalists also accused public prosecution of being not neutral, which should be punished accordingly. I ask them: why should you accuse Egyptian courts in such critical moments? You forgot that police was searching for two fugitive criminals inside Journalists Syndicate!
I tell you that public Egyptian newspapers are owned by the people who can manage without you since your loyalty is yet questionable.