• 22:35
  • Friday ,29 April 2016

The Meaning Behind Easter

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,30 April 2016

The Meaning Behind Easter

Happy Easter to all the Copts in Egypt and all over the world. Today, I want to shed light on the many meanings behind the Easter Feast. Easter is not an ordinary feast where we just remember the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, but it's a real chance to think deeply about how God always has new ways to resurrect us from death.

As it's mentioned in the Bible, His way is different from our way, the difference is like the distance between Earth and Heaven. Every year Easter comes, we have to thank our Lord Jesus Christ for giving us the opportunity to see how valuable we are in His eyes. So much so, that He didn't mind to come down to earth for our sake. Easter is not just a celebration but in fact, it's a real reconcilation between God and mankind.

I imagine it's like when someone does me a favour. How many times do I tell him "thank you" and am ready to do anything for him in return? Can you imgaine if that person died for you? Can you imagine If that person died to give you life and a new hope? I think in this case we have a debt we can't repay, becuase even if we died in the name of Jesus Christ, we still didn't pay Him back the price He paid to redeem us. 

If we died in the name of Jesus, we are honoring Him, but we didn't pay Him back what He did. This is because if we died in the name of Jesus, we are still sinners, but Jesus, who died for us, is innocent and He is the God who was incarnated in the form of man to save us. 

In conclusion, I want to invite you to think deeply about the Resurrection and the meanings behind it. Don't let the Resurrection Feast pass without making a decision to be resurrected from any sin you commit and do not be a slave to that sin as Jesus came to resurrect you from all your sins. Happy Easter!