• 11:25
  • Monday ,18 October 2010

Egypt opposition Wafd Party, MB to coordinate for elections

By-Egypt News

Home News


Monday ,18 October 2010

Egypt opposition Wafd Party, MB to coordinate for elections

Egypt’s largest opposition Wafd Party and Muslim Brotherhood group announced that they will coordinate with each other during Egypt's upcoming legislative elections

Helmy al-Gazzar, a spokesperson of Egypt's MB group said that MB group and the Wafd Party had agreed on the necessity of collaboration
"That coordination will be on a constituency level, adding that the Wafd Party will have a good chance to compete for vacant seats in districts where the Brotherhood is vying for a single seat," said al-Gazzar.
On his part, a political advisor of Wafd Party Bahaa Abu Shaqqa, said that "Coordination between Wafd party and the Muslim Brotherhood will not be on a higher level"
Abu Shaqqa added that "The party’s central committee has allowed Wafd candidates to collaborate with all political powers, not just the Brotherhood"
"The party will cede its quest for some constituencies where it is believed that candidates from the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) are unbeatable," said Abu Shaqqa.