• 08:01
  • Friday ,11 March 2016

Egyptian court acquits 49 Brotherhood supporters on violence charges


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,11 March 2016

Egyptian court acquits 49 Brotherhood supporters on violence charges

The Damanhur Criminal Court on Thursday acquitted 49 alleged Muslim Brotherhood supporters on charges of destruction of public property and inciting violence, Youm7 reported.The Damanhur Criminal Court on Thursday acquitted 49 alleged Muslim Brotherhood supporters on charges of destruction of public property and inciting violence, Youm7 reported.

Among those who were acquitted is Gamal Heshmat, leading member of both the Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party and the Anti-Coup Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance that was formed following the ouster of former President Mohamed Morsi in July 2013.
In Sep. 2013, the Attorney General referred the then-defendants to the criminal court over committing acts of violence in Damanhur; the capital city of Egypt’s Delta governorate of Beheira following the dispersal of two sit-ins of Brotherhood supporters in Cairo and Giza in August 2013.
Osama Soliman, Beheira governor during Morsi’s tenure and Mohamed Swedan, head of the MB administrative office in the governorate were among those acquitted Thursday.