• 05:14
  • Thursday ,25 February 2016

Sacrifices of Egyptian police

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,25 February 2016

Sacrifices of Egyptian police

The beloved homeland has been facing several conspiracies by people who trade on the nation. Enemies of the nation panned to destroy the Egyptian state and divide it. Yet, such scheme was foiled by the revolution of June 30. 

Those traitors and the conspirators decided to reapply the scenario of January 25 by spreading a set of rumors about the failures of the government, the repression of policemen, and the gloomy future in Egypt. They didn’t realize that Egypt now is different from before.
Therefore, the president called the people in his speech before the parliament to remember that we foiled several conspiracies and we’re facing more right now. 
Under such conspiracies, several Egyptian policemen who belong to the Muslim Brotherhood or commit individual mistakes have been punished and their cases were all investigated. Such evil plans make policemen look like they are devils ignoring that police forces offered more than 800 martyrs and more than 13.000 injured. This was clearly mentioned by Minister of interiors in his last press conference. 
I believe that president Abdul Fatah al-Sisi is able to lead Egypt under such difficult circumstances and face such conspiracies just like he forced the world to show respect to Egypt after the revolution of June 30. Egypt is still powerful and her police will remain defender of the nation.