• 17:41
  • Monday ,11 January 2016

Pictures from the PAST

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,11 January 2016

Pictures from the PAST

I'll borrow the TV program -صور من الماضى- as recently while re-organizing my papers getting ready to travel again and again I fall on an old magazine dated 2005 them last elections Mubarak won or fabricated that is not my point but a title got my attention it was about youth their ambition and the government new target to make use of this unused potential!

The government finally noticed young people need to work!
Was this an electoral propaganda or really the people in charge then noticed the never ending problem of university graduates looking for a job forever, their dream post was a job in the government a secured post no one could dismiss the employee or fire him/her, worst case scenario was investigation for a serious offence and still no dismissal just a warning, and after several warnings for the same mistake there might be some kind of real punishment, and this in fact illustrates why it was the dream and why  it was never fulfilled because the government was saturated and overloaded with people not doing their jobs and cannot be fired!
Alternative Solutions
Because people cannot live forever without a job or money there were other solutions like legal or illegal immigration, illegal immigration included job contracts to nearby countries without the intention to return, others tried to travel risking their lives and many just tried to make a living but many of them took the easiest ways either stealing or illegal activities like drugs and whatever side activities like selling stolen goods or drugs trafficking and bottom line people lost faith in government and its promises!
So no wonder when youth stays alert awaiting to see results!
This is my contribution to El-Sisi's efforts to win back the youth confidence!
I'll keep it short as I have to get ready for travel no knowing if I’ll be  able to talk to you again next week or in the near future but for sure you are all in my heart with God's blessing, I'm one of those God blessed them so thank you God for your blessings and peace of the Lord be with you.