• 22:15
  • Wednesday ,06 January 2016

Egyptian Jihadist in London denounces congratulating Copts on their feasts


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Wednesday ,06 January 2016

Egyptian Jihadist in London denounces congratulating Copts on their feasts

After Esam Talima, member of the Muslim Brotherhood group and Office Director of Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, congratulated the Copts on Christmas feasts, the Salafists denounced such act considering it against Islam.After Esam Talima, member of the Muslim Brotherhood group and Office Director of Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, congratulated the Copts on Christmas feasts, the Salafists denounced such act considering it against Islam.

Hani Sebaie, Egyptian Jihadist in London, denounced such congratulations considering them violation of Islamic teachings.