• 19:18
  • Tuesday ,29 December 2015

Blue Nile is back to original course, no water stored behind Ethiopian dam: minister


Home News


Tuesday ,29 December 2015

Blue Nile is back to original course, no water stored behind Ethiopian dam: minister

Irrigation Minister Hossam Moghazy said the Blue Nile is back to its original course after it was temporarily diverted in May 2013 at the site of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, denying reports on the start of storing water behind the dam.

Moghazy, who is in Khartoum, was quoted in a released statement by the Irrigation Ministry as saying that the course of the Blue Nile passes through the four underground tunnels of the dam, which does not mean that amounts of water are stored there.
The Blue Nile provides Egypt with 85 per cent of its water quota.