• 19:46
  • Wednesday ,09 December 2015

Egypt between Wahhabism and ISIS

By-Ashraf Helmy

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,09 December 2015

Egypt between Wahhabism and ISIS

60 years have passed in Egypt since the Free Officers Revolution in 1952. This revolution aimed to eliminate the monarchy in cooperation with the Muslim Brotherhood that dreams of reviving the glory of Islam and applying the Islamic Sharia in Egypt and all over the world. This was sponsored by the Saudi Arabia, capital of Wahhabism.

The goal was to use Al-Azhar institution to spread such teachings after it became a huge university. Graduates of this university are preferred in all institutions, which allow them to spread fanaticism in all institutions. This was the reason behind religious intolerance and the increasing religious outward like beards, niqab and hijab. Egyptian labor returning from the Saudi Arabia contributed to achieve such goal.
Sadat couldn’t fulfill his promise to get rid of Coptic Christians, but drafted Article II of the Constitution that determines the Islamic identity of Egypt. Such identity was used by the terrorists to break the national unity through several sectarian incidents before and after the revolution of June 30.
Saudi Arabia supported the Free Syrian Army and terrorist groups including ISIS. Such interference appeared in several Arab countries aiming to achieve the Wahhabi Caliphate. 
From the other hand, Sheikh Al-Azhar in Egypt refused to call ISIS infidels as they believe in God! It’s clear that Al-Azhar adopt the same fundamental concepts of ISIS and other terrorist organizations.
It became more of a conspiracy against the Egyptian people. They have to choose to support Saudi Arabia and all terrorist organizations, or to refuse their fanaticism before Egypt faces a bloody civil war just like Syria.