• 21:03
  • Monday ,23 November 2015

Corruption watchdog invites Al-Azhar to lecture on sanctity of public funds


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,23 November 2015

Corruption watchdog invites Al-Azhar to lecture on sanctity of public funds

Head of the Accountability State Authority (ASA) Hisham Genena invited Al-Azhar Imam Ahmed al-Tayeb to deliver a lecture on the sanctity of public assets, Youm7 reported Sunday.Head of the Accountability State Authority (ASA) Hisham Genena invited Al-Azhar Imam Ahmed al-Tayeb to deliver a lecture on the sanctity of public assets, Youm7 reported Sunday.

Genena visited the headquarters of Al-Azhar Sunday to extend the invitation; the lecture is planned to be held at the ASA headquarters in Cairo and be attended by the authority’s personnel.
The ASA is an independent organization founded in 1942 to oversee public finance. It monitors the finances of public-sector and state-owned facilities and reports to the president.
Genena, appointed by former President Mohamed Morsi, is one of the few senior officials who maintained their post after the 2013 ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood president.
He has been repeatedly accused of being a member of the Brotherhood. Reports in 2014 suggested strained relations with the Justice Ministry and the Interior Ministry for refraining from cooperation with the corruption watchdog.