• 09:41
  • Monday ,28 September 2015

World Bank head affirms support to Egypt’s economic reforms


Home News


Monday ,28 September 2015

World Bank head affirms support to Egypt’s economic reforms

The World Bank (WB) supports Egypt’s efforts aimed to reform its economy, WB’s head Jim Yong Kim told President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi in a meeting in New York on Saturday, according to a presidential statement.

Sisi meeting with the WB head comes ahead of his participation in the 70th United Nations General Assembly debate.
“Egypt’s economic reforms reflect the country’s insistence on achieving comprehensive development in line with upholding security and combating corruption and misuse of resources,” Sisi told Kim.
Sisi further stressed that the Middle East needs to achieve stability through development.
“The WB’s role in the region does not only have a humanitarian dimension, but must also contribute to achieving security to prevent unrest spillover,” Sisi added.
The President and Kim also discussed a number of national megaprojects underway in Egypt which the WB could contribute to, notably the reclamation and development of 1.5 million acres of land in the western desert