• 17:47
  • Wednesday ,09 September 2015

Iraqi woman kill ISIS commander after she was forced to become sex slave

By Khaama Press News

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,09 September 2015

Iraqi woman kill ISIS commander after she was forced to become sex slave
A commander of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group was killed by an Iraqi woman after he forced her to become a sex slave for his fighters.A commander of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group was killed by an Iraqi woman after he forced her to become a sex slave for his fighters.
The incident reportedly took place in the city of Mosul three days back with the officials saying the woman was captured by the ISIS militants three months ago.
A spokesperson for Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) Saeed Mamouzini said the ISIS commander was identified as Abu Anas.
Mamouzini further added that the woman was coerced into marrying several fighters of the terror group.
The latest claim by Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) follow documented examples of ISIS terror group systematically abusing women and girls within their captured territory.
The UN envoy on sexual violence Zainb Bangura said earlier in June this year that Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group is selling women captured as sex slaves at the markets for “as little as a packet of cigarettes”.
Ms Bangura said she had been to Syria and Iraq in recent months and found a war “being fought on the bodies of women”.
“This is how they attract young men: we have women waiting for you, virgins that you can marry,” she said.
In her previous testimony she spoke about the horrific treatment of women captured by the Isis regime, stripped naked and shipped around the territories it controls “like cattle”.
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) also obtained a secretly-filmed videos which showed strict controls enforced upon all women living in the Isis-held city of Mosul.
“We heard stories of men being flogged because their wives didn’t put their gloves on. Another woman’s parents were banned from driving their car. Those who object are beaten and humiliated,” a witness named as Hanaa said.