• 21:41
  • Thursday ,27 August 2015

Egypt's El-Sisi meets King Abdullah II of Jordan in Moscow


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Thursday ,27 August 2015

Egypt's El-Sisi meets King Abdullah II of Jordan in Moscow

Egypt's president Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi met Jordan's king Abdullah II in Moscow on Wednesday where they discussed counter-terrorism efforts and recent regional developments, reported the Middle East News Agency (MENA).

According to Egyptian presidency spokesperson Alaa Youssef, the two Arab leaders discussed counter-terrorism strategies and acknowledged the importance of regional and international alliances in combatting threats posed by extremist and terrorist organisations in the Middle East.
El-Sisi and Abdullah II also acknowledged the importance of military cooperation between their own countries and across the wider Arab world.
El-Sisi praised Jordan for its membership of the United Nations Security Council.
The leaders also discussed the Syrian crisis. They agreed on the importance of reaching a political solution that would end the Syrian people’s suffering and preserve Syria’s unity.
Abdullah II and El-Sisi's discussions included the latest developments in Palestine and the peace process there. They talked about ways of breaking the current deadlock and resuming peace talks in accordance with international resolutions to achieve a two-state solution. This would establish a Palestinian state within the June 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.
Regarding Libya, the two leaders renewed their support to the elected Libyan government and the national Libyan army, while advocating a political solution in the country.
The heads of state also agreed on the importance of supporting the Iraqi government in its efforts to achieve stability and unity in the country.
President El-Sisi is on a three day visit to Moscow. He will meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin later on Wednesday.
King Abdullah II of Jordan is visiting Russia at the invitation of President Putin, whom he met on Tuesday to discuss regional and Syria-related issues.