• 10:38
  • Friday ,31 July 2015

Is Sawiris really seeking to thwart the President’s efforts?

By-Hamdi Rezk-egyptindependent



Friday ,31 July 2015

Is Sawiris really seeking to thwart the President’s efforts?

In just one day, the Prosecutor General received complaints filed against Hisham Geneina, head of the Central Auditing Organization, Hazem Abdel Azim, member of Sisi’s presidential campaign, business tycoon Naguib Sawiris and actor Khaled Abul Naga, all on charges of allegedly "acting against the state."

Sawiris was accused of seeking to thwart President Sisi’s efforts, by trying to persuade members of the disbanded National Democratic Party to run in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
Abdel Azim was accused of willing to withdraw confidence from President Sisi for a number of reasons, in an act of personal vendetta, whereas Abul Naga faces the accusation of trying to incite the Egyptian people against the army and the police, in order to "disturb public security and cause divisions in the country."
Everyone has the right to file complaints with the Prosecutor General, but three complaints in one day, with such dreadful charges, seems rather worrying.
The excessive use of complaints, as a weapon to intimidate Egyptians, is very unhealthy. Enough complaints. If he spent his time reviewing merely the “political” ones, the Prosecutor General would not have time to investigate criminal cases.
Moreover, it is difficult to believe those complaints. If Geneina was against the state, what stops the President from dismissing him? If Sawiris could thwart Sisi’s efforts, then the Muslim Brotherhood could have as well. If Abdel Azim wants to withdraw confidence from Sisi, it would not make any difference. And if Abul Naga wants to burn the country, he would only burn himself.
Should we not wonder how come Sisi is so successful when there are so many people who place obstacles in his way?