• 10:36
  • Wednesday ,15 July 2015

Bishop of Qena prevents giving marriage permits for Copts refusing confession


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Wednesday ,15 July 2015

Bishop of Qena prevents giving marriage permits for Copts refusing confession
Ashraf Anis, founder of "right to life" association, which claims divorce and second marriages for the Cops, said that Abba Sharobim, Bishop of Qena, refused to give marriage permits for those who work outside the province and do not practice confession sacraments for more than 3 months.Ashraf Anis, founder of "right to life" association, which claims divorce and second marriages for the Cops, said that Abba Sharobim, Bishop of Qena, refused to give marriage permits for those who work outside the province and do not practice confession sacraments for more than 3 months.
He added that Abba Sharobim promised to punish any priest who disobey this order. Anis added that such permissions are used by the church to control the Copts and torture them. Therefore, he demanded the adoption of civil marriage.