• 10:20
  • Sunday ,18 October 2009

NGO appeals for releasing jailed blogger


Home News


Saturday ,17 October 2009

NGO appeals for releasing jailed blogger

 A NON- GOVERNMENTAL organisation has appealed to President Hosni Mubarak to order the Ministry of the Interior to release Egyptian blogger after spending three quarters of his sentence term.

The Ministry of the Interior has betrayed its intentions by denying blog- ger Karim Amer, in prison for three years now, the right to be released after serving three quarters of his term," said the Arab Network for Human Rights Information.Under the Egyptian law, prisoners, who behave well during the three quarters of their custodial terms, have the right to be released.In late 2004, an Egyptian court sentenced Amer to four years in jail for pub- lishing articles deemed offensive.In its appeal to Mubarak, the non- governmental group said that the Ministry of the Interior had released an ex-policeman, convicted of torturing a suspect, after serving three quarters of his term.