• 06:23
  • Friday ,05 June 2015

Coptic Church devoted pages via Android devices for Immigrants Copts

Nader Shoukry

Top Stories


Friday ,05 June 2015

Coptic Church devoted pages via Android devices for Immigrants Copts
Father Abraham Azmi, official media spokesperson of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United States, said that the official magazine of the preaching of the church will be available soon via Android devices.Father Abraham Azmi, official media spokesperson of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United States, said that the official magazine of the preaching of the church will be available soon via Android devices.
Father Ibrahim added that subscription to follow the church magazine for one person costs 99 cents monthly , or for an annual subscription costs 11.99 $, pointing out that Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark See, instructed allocating 6 pages to for churches to spread Its news for all over the world in different languages alternately.
He explained that this magazine will be issued under the responsibility of the World Evangelism team with Coptic World Team.