• 10:32
  • Tuesday ,02 June 2015

Coptic churches in Egypt and all over the world held celebrations for "Pentecost feast” yesterday marking 40 days after the Easter.

Gergis Wahib

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Tuesday ,02 June 2015

Coptic churches in Egypt and all over the world held celebrations for
Number of fanatical elements burned a house which owned by a Coptic man called, Saaid Fawzi Nashed.Number of fanatical elements burned a house which owned by a Coptic man called, Saaid Fawzi Nashed.
They fired the house by using Molotov Cocktails and the fire caused damage on all contents of the house, in spite of the intensive presence of policemen and security.
 It's worth mentioning that the burned houses during the last period reached 15, including burning and smashing 15 homes and private car and uproot crops which owned by Copts, including Tawfiq Youssef, father of Ayman, the accused Coptic who has published cartoons that were considered offensive to Islam.
Coptic man from the village assured that police knew all the criminals by name, but they ignore the matter and all these accidents as threats to prevent the expelled families from return home.