• 02:23
  • Tuesday ,02 June 2015

Social solidarity against citizenship!

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,02 June 2015

Social solidarity against citizenship!
President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt has taken a great humanitarian initiative by distributing 10 thousand heads of cattle to some poor and low-income Egyptian families in five governorates in Egypt, namely: Fayoum, Minya, Assiut, Sohag and Beni Suef.
Those cattle heads were given to poor families from the Egyptian Presidency, in collaboration with the Egyptian Armed Forces, Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture, Egyptian fund of "Tahya Masr" which is under the direct supervision of the President Abdel Fattah el-Sis. The event was organized with the participation of the Grand Imam, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb,Sheikh of Al-Azhar mosque, Pope Tawadros, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark See, Hisham Ramez, Governor of the Central Bank, and under full control of the Central Agency for Accounting to ensur transparency and credibility in spending the money.
The event was also organized with the participation of some important associations and institutions such as, "Masr El Kheir" Foundation, it's namely as an example for a universal leading organization, which seeks to reach self development of symbiotic community, and Orman Association, which is Egyptian "non-governmental" organization aims to serve all needy of Egyptian society away from religious or political discrimination , and so, it's a sophisticated institution, which emphasizes the importance of the civil work in communities' economic and social developments.
The livestock was distributed according to social studies by several committees from governorates, social units in cities, villages, and districts of Social Solidarity to select the most deserving families from each village to achieve the principle of social justice among all the villages and therefore citizens of these villages.
Officials responsible for this great project assured that social solidarity is a right for every citizen, and that the State, with its various institutions, is seeking to provide the necessary support and care for  the poor families that in need of care, support and concern.
However, the question remains here, has any of the institutions responsible for this great project taken care of citizenship and hasn't discriminated between citizens based on their religion!
The application of citizenship principle is keeping the entity of the Egyptian society and makes it more solid, especially in the days of war or fierce conspiratorial attacks ,which faces the country in those days! Christians in Egypt indisputably proven that they are best members of Egyptian armed forces. The honorable Copts, along with their fellow Muslims in Egypt are the best citizens of earth.