• 14:48
  • Wednesday ,27 May 2015

Church denied rumor of selling Pope Shenouda III 's collectibles


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Wednesday ,27 May 2015

Church denied rumor of selling Pope Shenouda III 's collectibles

Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria issued an official statement denying what was published by some newspapers about selling Pope Shenouda III holdings, the former pope in Egypt.Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria issued an official statement denying what was published by some newspapers about selling Pope Shenouda III holdings, the former pope in Egypt.

The statesman stressed that Pope Tawadros II did not issue any directives to sell Pope Shenouda 's holdings and what was sold is remained scrap of the papal development working from iron and wood.
Pope Shenouda III holdings were kept to put in a small museum in Alexandria, he added.