• 13:00
  • Friday ,01 May 2015

Human rights activists denounce charging Copts with contempt of Islam

Nader Shoukry

Top Stories


Friday ,01 May 2015

Human rights activists denounce charging Copts with contempt of Islam
Jurists and human rights activists denounced sentenced Coptic young man Michael Mounir to one year in prison on charges of contempt of Islamic religion after he shared a video on Facebook that criticizes Islamic heritage. Jurists and human rights activists denounced sentenced Coptic young man Michael Mounir to one year in prison on charges of contempt of Islamic religion after he shared a video on Facebook that criticizes Islamic heritage. 
Isaac Abraham, researcher at the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, said that sentencing the Coptic man Michael Mounir for sharing a video on Facebook is punishment for the Copts by militants and extremists.
He added that such verdict is part of the threat facing freedom of opinion and expression during the recent period that 8 people were convicted in similar cases in four months.