• 21:31
  • Wednesday ,14 October 2009

Mubarak starts Euro tour today


Home News


Tuesday ,13 October 2009

Mubarak starts Euro tour today

Talks with Russia: President Hosni Mubarak (R) during his meeting with the Chief of the Russian Intelligence Service (C) in Cairo yesterday.

President Hosni Mubarak today starts an east-European trip to Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia, the first by an Egyptian head of state. On Saturday, Mubarak will begin a two-day visit to Italy, the official Middle East News Agency (MENA) reported.During his tour, starting with Hungary

the Egyptian leader is expected to discuss the stalled Middle East peace process, Iran's suspicious nuclear programme and steps to strengthen a Mediterranean Union launched last year.Egyptian Minister of Trade and Industry Rashid Mohamed Rashid has expected that Mubarak's visit to Hungary will substantially increase bilateral trade, which is estimated at 185 million euros. Hungarian investments in Egypt are estimated at LE26 million.In Cairo yesterday, Mubarak conferred with Chief of Russian Intelligence Service.No details were available on the meeting, attended by Omar Suleiman, the Chief of the Egyptian Intelligence Agency.Later in the day, Mubarak met Saudi Minister of the Interior Nayef bin Abdel Aziz and discussed ways to further Egyptian-Saudi ties in different fields, according to MENA.