• 03:21
  • Wednesday ,04 March 2015

11 ‘terrorists’, 3 civilians killed N. Sinai; 20 arrested

By The Cairo Post

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,04 March 2015

11 ‘terrorists’, 3 civilians killed N. Sinai; 20 arrested

Eleven alleged terrorists were killed Tuesday, and 20 others were arrested after 3 civilians were found dead North Sinai, Youm7 reported.Eleven alleged terrorists were killed Tuesday, and 20 others were arrested after 3 civilians were found dead North Sinai, Youm7 reported.

A security source told Youm7 that military operations in Rafah, Sheikh Zuwayed and the middle of Sinai took control of 3 houses allegedly used as terrorist bases, along with a number of vehicles and trucks.

Exchanges of fire and explosions were heard all night Monday by North Sinai residences  according to Youm7. Intensified military operations have taken place during the last period in order to implement President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi’s orders to secure the peninsula after a string of attacks targeting soldiers.

In late February, military spokesperson Mohamed Samir announced that 173 alleged “terrorists” had been killed in separate attacks in the month. A number of the armed men were reported to be affiliated to the Ansar Bayt Al-Maqdis terrorist group.

The statement published on Samir’s Facebook page stated that 16 of the “terrorists” were killed in Arish City, where another 13 were arrested, including two Palestinians.