• 10:38
  • Tuesday ,03 March 2015

Pharaonic rest house discovered east of Suez Canal


Home News


Tuesday ,03 March 2015

Pharaonic rest house discovered east of Suez Canal

A Pharaonic royal rest house had been discovered east of the Suez Canal, Antiquities Minister Mamdouh al-Damaty said on Monday.

The rest house, belonging to King Tuthmosis II, was unearthed in Tal Habwa, Qantara in the Ismailia governorate, the minister announced during a visit to archaeological sites east of the Suez Canal.
It is one of three rest houses that had previously been discovered, belonging to Pharaoh King Seti I and the other to Ramses II, the minister added, noting that the newly found structure is made of mudbrick.