• 03:22
  • Tuesday ,30 December 2014

Police arrest Brotherhood Supreme Guide's bodyguard

By Ahram Online

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,30 December 2014

Police arrest Brotherhood Supreme Guide's bodyguard

The private bodyguard of the Muslim Brotherhood's Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie was arrested on Monday, reported Al-Ahram’s Arabic news website.

Ahmed Attia, known as Ahmed El-Sheemy, was arrested in Giza's Awsim district and is accused of protesting and inciting violence according to a security source.

Badie was arrested in August 2013 following the ouster of his fellow Brotherhood member, Mohamed Morsi from the presidency.

Badie faces a number of charges including inciting murder. He has received the death sentence in several cases but all have been appealed.

Security forces have launched a crackdown on Brotherhood members and loyalists following the ouster of Morsi, leaving hundreds killed in clashes and thousands injured.