• 21:24
  • Tuesday ,18 November 2014

Egypt condemns beheading of US aid worker by Islamic State


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,18 November 2014

Egypt condemns beheading of US aid worker by Islamic State

Egypt's foreign ministry has condemned the killing of American aid worker Peter Kassig by Islamic State (IS).Egypt's foreign ministry has condemned the killing of American aid worker Peter Kassig by Islamic State (IS).

"Egypt condemns harshly and with the strongest words and complete disapproval this brutal and criminal murder. It is a barbaric incident that contradicts the lessons of the Islamic religion, and is far from the simplest humanitarian and ethical rules," the statement released on Monday said.
 IS released a video on Sunday purporting to show the beheading of Kassig. He had been kidnapped in Syria last year and had reportedly converted to Islam.
This is the fifth beheading by IS of a Western hostage.
The jihadist organisation also released a video on Sunday which shows the simultaneous beheading of at least 15 men described as Syrian military personnel.
"Egypt renews its insistence on the necessity to concert and unite the efforts of the international community in fighting the terrorism phenomenon as a world phenomenon that does not recognise religion or homeland, and targets stability, security and development in various regions of the world," stated the foreign ministry.