• 15:23
  • Wednesday ,22 October 2014

One person shot dead, two injured in Sinai's Rafah

By Aswat Masriya

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,22 October 2014

One person shot dead, two injured in Sinai's Rafah

Unknown assailants shot a civilian dead on Tuesday in Northern Sinai's Rafah, security sources told Aswat Masriya, adding that two people were injured.

Mohamed Salem, 50, died following a gunshot in his back. A woman and a child who accompanied Salem in the car he was driving suffered injuries and were transferred  to the hospital to receive treatment, according to the security source.

The killing of civilians in North Sinai has seen a significant rise. A dead body of a citizen shot in the head was found on Saturday in Rafah. Three more bodies of youth belong to prominent tribes were found a week earlier in Arish. They were all shot in the head.

Militants have stepped up attacks targeting the army and police across Egypt, particularly in the Sinai Peninsula since the military's ouster of President Mohamed Mursi in July 2013, which followed mass protests against his rule.

Egypt's security forces have intensified their security measures in North Sinai, which has witnessed its most stringent security crackdown in years.

A fact-sheet prepared by Egypt's ministry of foreign affairs put the death toll for terrorism acts which took place since January 2011 and until April 2014 at 971, including 664 security personnel.