• 23:57
  • Sunday ,11 October 2009

swine flu

Fairouz Tutte

Short But Not Sweet


Saturday ,10 October 2009

swine flu

"Look, that's where the swine flu is going to come from,"
 The pigs were feeding on organic waste. And now they are gone. The rubbish is piling up and the garbage men can't keep up.

Over 900 cases of swine flu have been reported in Egypt, and two people have died from it.
Restrictions were placed on pilgrims travelling to and from Saudi Arabia, home to Islam's most important pilgrimage sites; schools and universities were shut down.

And the country's 250,000 pigs were slaughtered in a step that drew heavy criticism.

The government later said that culling the pigs -- an action deemed unnecessary by the World Health Organization because pigs were not transmitting the disease to humans -- was a public hygiene measure aimed at cleaning up pig breeding in general.

And while there is no link between the rubbish and swine flu, the accumulation of waste certainly provides fertile ground for other diseases and discredits the government's public health warnings

"They killed the pigs. What is the alternative now?"

.Let them clean the streets --