• 17:41
  • Friday ,29 August 2014

Sorry Rabaa!

Vivian Fayez

Article Of The Day


Friday ,29 August 2014

Sorry Rabaa!
On August 14, Rabaa Adawia sit-in was dispersed. This name reminds us of threatens, kidnap, kill, torture and terrorization. The yellow logo with four fingers hand became so popular around the world.
However this place was named after Rabaa Adawia mosque in Nasr City, Cairo, we forgot about Rabaa Adawia, the Sufi ascetic monk who lived in Basra and introduced the idea of the Divine love in Islamic mysticism.
After her repentance, she spent her time in fasting and prayers that she was called “Martyr of Divine Love”. Therefore, it’s too harsh to link her name to such bloody incidents at Rabaa Adawia sit-in.
Dr. Abdul Rahman Badawy, said in his book about Rabaa Adawia that was issued in 1962 that she used to consider her relationship with God as pure love.
Moreover, she asked nothing for herself in her long prayers, and refused to get married for her extraordinary love for God.
She once addressed God saying: “O my pleasure, hope, friend and support. You’re my sweetheart” How can we call this name on an extremely violent sit-in that brings to our memories bloody images and death. We should say now: Sorry Rabaa!