• 14:16
  • Thursday ,31 July 2014

Cairo Car Bomb Kills 3 people

By International Business News

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,31 July 2014

Cairo Car Bomb Kills 3 people

A car bomb on Wednesday killed three people in Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo, Reuters reported, citing Egypt’s state-run Nile Television.

Brigadier Mahmoud Shawki, an Egyptian police officer, said that the explosion killed all the people inside the car, adding that they were probably on their way to carry out a “terrorist operation," Al-Ahram, another state news outlet, said in the report.

The car was blown into two parts and security forces were in the process of identifying the bodies, Shawki told Al-Ahram.

Egypt has seen waves of protests and violence since the deposition of former president and Muslim Brotherhood leader, Mohammed Morsi, by the army last year.

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who was formerly chief of the army, is seen by his supporters as someone who can end Egypt’s political chaos and bring stability and prosperity to the country.

Islamists, on the other hand, blame him for devising the coup that deposed Morsi, forced the Muslim Brotherhood underground, and created unprecedented political chaos that has ignited violent clashes and demonstrations in the country.