• 06:31
  • Friday ,09 May 2014

Qaradawy attended a celebration in a Qatari university to raise controversy


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,09 May 2014

Qaradawy attended a celebration in a Qatari university to raise controversy

International Union for Islamic Scholars (IUIS) said Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawy attended a celebration in Hamad Bin-Khalifa University on Tuesday to celebrate the graduation of new graduates.International Union for Islamic Scholars (IUIS) said Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawy attended a celebration in Hamad Bin-Khalifa University on Tuesday to celebrate the graduation of new graduates.

The statement was published on IUIS’ page on Facebook and the celebration was attended by a number of officials and diplomats, including former Emir Hamad Bin Khalifa and his wife. They published a photo for the celebration in which Qaradawy, affiliating to Muslim Brotherhood, was sitting beside the former Emir.
Many experts believe the statement is a response to those claiming that the Qatari government will deport Muslim Brotherhood leaders from its territories to meet its commitments to pave the way for restoring its relations with other Gulf States.
Saudi Arabia, Emirates, and Bahrain withdrew their diplomats from Doha in March in protest against what they described as the Qatari role to threaten the security of the region as a whole.
Ahmed Rabei Al-Ghazaly said t the Muslim Brotherhood leaders work to undermine the Riyadh Agreement, and that the group proves that Qatar is not committed to the agreement.
Riyadh Agreement was signed in November 2013 between Saudi, Emirates, and Bahrain on one hand and Qatar on the other. According to London-based Arab Newspaper, it aims to force the Qatari government to suspend its inciting approach and to stop supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and preventing Qaradawy from delivering sermons.
Ghazaly told Youm7 that Qatar will deport leaders of the group from its territories to protect its relations with other Gulf States. He said the Qatari relations with its neighbors are considered top priority for the government there to avoid isolation.
Chairperson of Middle East Center for political and Strategic Studies Anwar Eshky said that Qatar should meet its commitments. He warned that the Qatari approach to delay executing Riyadh Agreement could pave the way for destabilizing the region as whole.
He added in a statement to Okaz Newspaper that the Gulf State would not return their ambassadors to Doha if the Qatari leaders did not honor their commitments stipulated in the agreement.