• 17:35
  • Friday ,02 May 2014

Number of Young Christian Girls Raped, Killed in Egypt Increasing Quickly


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,02 May 2014

Number of Young Christian Girls Raped, Killed in Egypt Increasing Quickly

An Egyptian Christian woman mourns the death of an eight-year old Christian girl who was killed, along with three others, by Islamist gunmen as they were waiting outside a church for a wedding to begin.An Egyptian Christian woman mourns the death of an eight-year old Christian girl who was killed, along with three others, by Islamist gunmen as they were waiting outside a church for a wedding to begin.

For 15 year old Amira Hafez Wahib it was just a typical morning. The young girl attended a morning worship service at her church in the city of Luxor, Egypt, and then quickly stopped by a store nearby to pick up an item, telling her mother she'd be right back.
But Amira never came back and is still missing.