• 12:50
  • Thursday ,01 May 2014

Morsi’s jailbreak trial adjourned to May 8


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,01 May 2014

Morsi’s jailbreak trial adjourned to May 8

North Cairo Criminal Court adjourned the trial of ousted President Mohamed Morsi and others to May 8 over charges in the Wadi al-Natrun prison break during the January 35 RevolutionNorth Cairo Criminal Court adjourned the trial of ousted President Mohamed Morsi and others to May 8 over charges in the Wadi al-Natrun prison break during the January 35 Revolution

The trial was postponed to continue hearing witness testimony. One of the witnesses has been fined 500 EGP due to his absence
The jury members also ordered for an additional number of lawyers to be assigned to the defense team in case one of the current defense team members withdraws or is absent, Youm7 reported
In the case known in the Egyptian media as “the great escape,” Morsi and 130 other defendants, including many Muslim Brotherhood leaders, are facing charges of escaping from Wadi Al-Natrun Prison on Jan. 28, 2011, during the January 25 Revolution.
The defendants, including Saad al-Katatny, former Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie, former Brotherhood leaders Mohamed al-Beltagy, Safwat Hegazy and Youssef Qaradawi, are also accused of damaging and setting fire to prison buildings, murder, attempted murder, and looting prison weapons.
They are also accused of freeing dangerous criminals, including members of Hezbollah, Hamas, the Brotherhood and jihadists.
The presiding judge sentenced 21 defendants to a year in prison over insulting jury members during the session. Morsi and Beltagy are not among those defendants.