• 17:46
  • Thursday ,03 April 2014

Brotherhood activist: Cairo University blasts retaliation for Rabaa

By-Almasry Alyoum

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,03 April 2014

Brotherhood activist: Cairo University blasts retaliation for Rabaa

Muslim Brotherhood activist Abdel Rahman Ezz has described the three blasts that broke out outside Cairo University on Wednesday as ‘suicide attacks against (occupation) police and military.’Muslim Brotherhood activist Abdel Rahman Ezz has described the three blasts that broke out outside Cairo University on Wednesday as ‘suicide attacks against (occupation) police and military.’

A police officer was killed and another five officers were injured as a result of the blasts.
Ezz posted on Facebook saying, “whenever a suicide operation happens by Islamic resistance youth against police and military of occupation, I remember the intimidation of women, youth and children in Rabaa al-Adaweya and Nahda when the massacre happened and body parts were everywhere, the massacre of the prison truck and the following massacres that lasted for seven months.”
Ezz also laid responsibility of the blasts on what he called as ‘Egyptian resistance.’
“This is retaliation for students of Azhar University and Cairo University who were killed by police and military over the nine months,” he added.
However, Tarek al-Zomor, chief of Construction and Development Party, said that the Cairo University blasts “harm their [pro-Mohamed Morsy] peaceful revolution.”
“At the time that we condemn Cairo University blast, we can only confirm that this harms our peaceful popular revolution that targets defeat of the coup and empowering the popular will,” Zomor posted on Facebook.