• 16:11
  • Tuesday ,25 March 2014

Court delays trial of ‘Nasr City terrorist cell’ to Wednesday


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,25 March 2014

Court delays trial of ‘Nasr City terrorist cell’ to Wednesday

State Security Criminal Court decided to delay the trial of 26 defendants in the case known as the “Nasr City terrorist cell” case until March 26, during Monday’s session held in the Police Academy.State Security Criminal Court decided to delay the trial of 26 defendants in the case known as the “Nasr City terrorist cell” case until March 26, during Monday’s session held in the Police Academy.

According to Youm7, the prosecution accuses the defendants of planning terrorist attacks against state institutions, establishing and managing a terrorist group, attempting to prevent the state institutions from exercising their work, and harming national unity and social peace.
The court ordered to mandate lawyers for a number of defendants if they would on their refusal to appoint defense lawyers. The hearing of the pleading of the Public Prosecution is scheduled on Wednesday.
Security forces told Al-Akhbar newspaper earlier that the 26 members of the alleged “terrorist cell” were planning to target a number of vital institutions, adding that they had headquarters in different governorates. Besides, they allegedly had a large number of weapons, grenades, and missiles.