• 06:23
  • Thursday ,20 February 2014

Getting out of a crisis

Medhat Bishay

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,20 February 2014

Getting out of a crisis

Dr. Hassan Nafaa, professor of political science at Cairo University, said he intended to save the country through an initiative of reconciliation with the Muslim Brotherhood.

How come he believes that the terrorist group with the bloody history and has never committed to its vows would be honest or patriot this time. 
He said that certain names in the Committee of Wise Men who belong to the currents of political Islam or El Baradei caused such great dispute over his proposal. Additionally, he called to appoint a neutral mediator who should be accepted by different political currents. 
Furthermore, he called the Muslim Brotherhood for stopping demonstrations and the government to release the leaders of the banned group who were not convicted in crimes. How come he thinks that Egypt is too trivial and its judiciary is so manipulated? Moreover, how come we accept the existence of Religious parties any more?
Furthermore, “Civilized Alternative Party” announced the approval of the army and the Muslim Brotherhood to negotiate reconciliation! Coalition of supporting legitimacy, supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, said that in order to start negotiations, the presidential election and road map should be suspended. A referendum on the roadmap should be held as well as to restore the ousted president Mohamed Morsy who shall step down willingly and empower a consensual prime minister to lead the government and carry out the presidential elections!
I wonder how the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters pick up names! They never reflect their reality like: Freedom and Justice party, renaissance project and Civilized Alternative Party! Such names can’t match their terrorization, lying and killing!