• 08:15
  • Friday ,31 January 2014

Hamas urges Abbas to seek stop to Cairo media provocation


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,31 January 2014

Hamas urges Abbas to seek stop to Cairo media provocation

Hamas on Thursday called on Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to play his due role in confronting what it called "Egyptian media provocation" against the movement.Hamas on Thursday called on Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to play his due role in confronting what it called "Egyptian media provocation" against the movement.

The call was voiced by Hamas Spokesman Samie Abu Zahra in a statement, asking the Palestinian leader to announce his position on Egypt's continuing media provocation against the Palestinian people.
"We call on Abbas to live up to his due role in face of (Egyptian) media provocation campaigns against the Palestinian people, which have exceeded all limits, just as he had urged Hamas not to interfere in Egyptian affairs, even though he (Abbas) is aware that the movement does not do that," he said in the statement, a copy of which was obtained by KUNA.
Earlier on Wednesday, Hamas called for setting up a neutral fact-finding committee sponsored by the Arab League and Organization of the Islamic Cooperation and involving several countries with the task of investigating into Egyptian accusations against the movement